
Making Money
Golbez' Newbie Guide
1000 Stat Tips
Bruno's Mob PL Guide
Heart PL Mod Chart




Snake Way
North 42 Sector
Capsule Corp.
Satan City
Center of the Universe


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Alright. You're either new to dragonball saga, or have played before, but for some reason want to go through the low-powerlevel training process again. Whatever your reasoning, one thing is certain: How you managed your stats in the early period has a larger affect on your powerlevel gaining rate and combat effectiveness than your races power gaining. Meaning, a saiyan who allocates his stats well can gain faster than a halfbreed who allocates his poorly. Before we begin, let's discuss the pros and cons of each stat.

Strength, henceforth referred to as STR:
Pros: For every 20 Strength, you gain a bonus to your Dam+. For every 25 Strength, you gain a bonus to your pdef. Additionally, it increases how much weight you can carry, and how many items you can hold outside of containers at one point.
Cons: Out of all of the stats, Strength is arguably the most useless. Pdef can be gained by training Constitution, and Dam+ just isn't that useful.
Verdict: Avoid training strength early on. You have to dump a full 10 stat points into strength to see any difference in combat performance, and those points could be better spent elsewhere. Pdef can be gained using Constitution. If you find yourself unable to carry all of your equipment, however, you may want to consider dumping a few points into Strength.

Pros: Higher hit rate, Higher Dodge rate. Chance to hit with melee attacks appears to be almost completely independent of powerlevel, so if you have 10 speed, and your opponent has 100 speed, they'll probably be able to flee before you can kill them, regardless of power difference. Early on, this is the _best_ stat to train.
Cons: Later in the game, melee attacks mean absolutely nothing, hence, Speed means absolutley nothing. It goes from being the most useful to being the least useful. Additionally, maintaing a low speed makes it easier for saiyans and halfbreeds to attain their SSJ levels.
Verdict: If you want a stat that will increase your gains drastically early on, dump those first five points into speed. It becomes useless once you shift to using ki attacks for the bulk of your damage, however.

Intelligence, henceforth referred to as Int:
Pros: Late-game, THE most important stat. It determines how quickly you gain focus for using ki attacks, and the maximum focus you can attain. Additionally, the rate your skill level increases is depenedant on your Int.
Cons: Early-game, it's useless. What few ki attacks you'll have will be all but useless at that point, as your skill level is likely to be low, and STAY low for a LONG time. This is because, for the most part, you won't have the energy to use what few attacks you have more than once or twice, for a looong time.
Verdict: The polar opposite of Speed; useless early on, essential later on. If you're playing for fast gains overall, avoid int at first. If you're playing to max skills early, start working on int early.

Constitution, henceforth referred to as Con:
Pros: Every 25 Con nets you 1 pdef and 1 edef. Additionally, it increases your healing rate, and how much your max energy increases with each gain. Finally, humans 'heart' ability is based off of how much Con you have.
Cons (lolololz, Conz of Con!1): Edef is broken, making it useless. As for the healing rate, well, it's not all it's cracked up to be. Non-nameks will not gain even one tick healing from 1 to 100 life between starting Con and Max con. Nameks, however, will gain one tick of time if their Con is maxed. With the advent of the 'Extreme' Technique, humans heart becomes another useless ability...
Verdict: If you want to boost your skills at any decent rate, throw a few points here to boost your energy gains. If you're a human, you definitely want to put some points here, as it's a long road to Hyper and Extreme, and the pl boost from heart helps.

Now, on to that first set of trains...
A new character, regardless of race, will want to put those first five trains into speed. This is because, as a new character, you have NOTHING to rely on but your automelee attacks, and this is the only immediate way to increase their effectiveness. If you can make a higher-level friend, try to get the item 'Bardock's Blood-stained headband'. With +5 Speed and Intelligence, it'll be a significant boost to a new characters combatability, as well as push the need to boost intelligence a little farther away. Anyway. It'll be a while before you get your second set of trains, and when you do, I recomend dumping them all into speed as well. Reasoning here is that, at 10k, the only attacks you'll have at your disposable will be kick and punch, and those just don't help much, particularly at the level you are at.

At this point, the differences begin to show up.
Androids will want to start training int sooner than everyone else. The reasoning here is that, with the absorb technique, they have a reliable method of regaining lost energy, which makes it a lot easier for them to train, and rely on, skills and abilities to assist them in combat. I recommend that the android split their trains: 1 strength, 3 Intelligence, and 1 con, up until Intelligence is maxed out. At this point, switch to training 1 strength, 2 speed, and 2 con. Once con is maxed out, split your trains any way you like between strength and speed, till they hit maximum. This is the best way to maintain an all-around effective character.
Saiyans, Humans, Halfbreeds, Nameks, and Icers will want to train their stats slightly differently. Because meditate is such a slow method of regaining ki, it's important to have a larger ki supply to start with, if you want any hope of using your skills. To this end, I recomend training 1 strength, 2 intelligence, and 2 constitution with each set of trains. Intelligence and Constitution should max out at the same time this way, at which point, split trains however you like between speed and strength.
Bio-androids have the toughest path ahead of them. As a biodroid, you'll find yourself relying on melee attacks far more than everyone else, as you do not 'naturally' get many abilities at all, much less useful ones. For a while, your most effective attack will be uppercut. Therefore, as a bio-android, I recommend the following training Strategy: 2 to speed, 1 to strength, intelligence, and constitution. Do this until you manage to absorb a couple of useful abilities, at which point you want to revert to the int/con method used by the other races.

Quick Reference:

1st Set: All speed
2nd Set: All speed

Androids (starting from 3rd set):
+1 Strength, +3 Intelligence, +1 Constitution -> Max Intelligence.
+1 Strength, +1 Speed, +3 Constitution -> Max Constitution.
+? Strength, +? Speed -> All stats maximized.

Bio-androids (starting from 3rd set):
+2 Speed, +1 Str, +1 Int, +1 Con -> Useful abilities OR Max Speed.
+1 Strength, +2 Intelligence, +2 Constitution -> Max Int/Con
+? Strength, +? Speed -> All stats maximized.

All others (starting from 3rd set):
+1 Strength, + 2 Intelligence, +2 Constitution -> Max Int/Con
+? Strength, + ? Speed -> All stats maximized.